Mushrooms Branding


Narratives give reality meaning clues. Imagine there is a sounding board for

business brand narratives that truly hit people´s life wires.

Patricia teamed up with Holger E. Metzger to create MushroomsBranding,

a think tank that provides highly inventive tools and methods of sounding out the quality of brand narration.

Mycelium grids have been "godfathers/mothers" to serve our power of imagination.


The Method

The Narrative Relevance Assessment

derived from constant practical experience and intensive research we invented

the Narrative Relevance Assessment, called NARE.


The NARE scores decipher a brand narrative´ s ability to keep up with people' s obvious and hidden emotional aspirations. The assessment can precisely differentiate "magnificent" from "damaging", "future-resilient" from "outdated", "with potential" from "untalented".


Curious to be introduced to our brand narrative quality check ?

Test us!

You see the NARE score road map below.

The Conversation

"A good Brand is hard to find!"


Joint search. No statements. 2024 was the birth date of a daring but self-aware letter conversation that I initiated with Holger E. Metzger under the above mentioned title. Our focus: business brand narratives.

We as letter exchange partners discuss which brand narratives are cool cats and which ones are weaklings answering the question: do the tellers know their tale?


Here the link to access the 12 different dialogues that we produced in 2024 :




Curious to trace this letter conversation?

Then subscribe to: Mushrooms Branding Letter Conversation – Medium